December 28, 2010


Today was not going to be a long riding day, but I left Tumbes reasonably early,

since I expected the same kind of amusing chaos at the border that I had experienced in Central America. Well, it didn't quite work out...that is, the chaos: After 20 km as I was passing Zarumilla, I was thinking I had taken a wrong turn, since there was absolutely no traffic, except for myself, on a section of freeway that looked pretty new. But after a few more kilometers, I arrived at the Peruvian immigration checkpoint, which was not exactly crowded:

I promptly received my exit stamp and proceeded to Ecuador continuing on the luxuriously empty road,

Entering Ecuador was easy, even though there actually were two people in line in front of me. It was almost frightening how well organized everything was. In conjuntion with the freshly paved road, it felt a bit like crossing the border from Switzerland to Germany during a World Cup Final, with Germany and Switzerland being the finalists...but, then...there they don't stamp passports anymore and they have bananas only in grocery stores: what a change of scenery since the day before yesterday. The desert disappeared and now I am riding past banana plantations and shrimp farms,

I will probably ride all the way Guayaquil tomorrow and stay there one night more than planned.

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